Melloncollen Your Back on Your Feet Again

If nosotros cannot deal with loss, we cannot live an effective life. Sometimes, failure and loss can be life-altering. Only if we do non procedure these challenges as they come up, we will wallow in sorrow every day of our lives—whether we dwell on previous losses, current failures, dreams dying, or unmet expectations, personal or professional person, with family or with friends.

Equally leaders, we must develop the skill and ability to handle loss and failure in a style that is salubrious and healing. Otherwise, nosotros will be consumed with emotions and unproductive thoughts and go paralyzed, unable to movement frontwards.

I want to share with you today some thoughts on how to overcome loss or failure and go back on your feet.

Last week I met a remarkable adult female, Jane Mwangi, who reminded me what it means to fight dorsum. A bright, young, successful journalist, Jane was on her way to a great personal and professional person life in her home country of Kenya. And so one day while walking dwelling house, three men approached her. At gunpoint, they commanded that she requite them her coin. She gave them everything she had. They demanded the countersign to her phone then they could admission her stored credit cards.

Facing the gun, Jane could not call up the password she used multiple times a day, then 1 of the men shot. The bullet entered her right breast and exited through her spine, paralyzing her from the waist down.

I met Jane last week, approximately two years following her life-irresolute experience. She came to speak to us at work, as she spends well-nigh of her time in Dallas now for therapy. She spoke to the states almost promise. About courage. About fighting back. A remarkable lady with tremendous kindness and heart, she beamed with a radiant smile. The news featured Jane in this quick video.

Afterwards the same morning time I was talking to a leader who felt a deep sense of professional failure. His emotional desperation was palpable, and I perceived his astern flow of momentum. It led me to contemplate failure and loss, and what I believe to be three zones in which we tin can end upwardly. If we are non careful, we tin can stay in the offset two unhealthy zones indefinitely. I accept seen people live the rest of their lives in these two zones afterwards loss or failure. Healthy leaders learn to motility into Zone Three, like Jane did. Allow me to break down the 3 Zones.

This is the place where our emotions take over. Nosotros may be defeated, crushed, or pitiful. We may feel betrayed, aroused, or frustrated. We may have deep regret or despair. We see no style out. Everything has ended. Our life is over. That's sometimes how we experience.

We must allow ourselves time to process these emotions. Unchecked however, these emotions tin take over our lives, for days, months, even years—in some cases, a lifetime. While it is natural to feel these emotions, we must recognize that taking upwardly residence in this zone will prevent us from living and leading in a good for you way. Therefore, nosotros must choose to motility out of Zone I as soon equally we can.

After the Emotional Zone, or possibly while nosotros are all the same in that location, we begin thinking of the terrible implications that resulted from what happened to united states of america. We examine the terrible consequences, not in an emotional fashion, only in a level-headed way. For Jane it must have been something like, I cannot believe I will lose my career every bit a announcer. I cannot brand a living like I wanted.

This is the what if zone. What if I had fabricated it? What if I had not failed? What if my loved ane had not died? What if my wife was different? What if my son was not sick? We daydream. We reminisce. We summate our losses.

While this may seem to be a more than manageable zone than Zone One, information technology is non benign beyond the quick evaluation of what happened. If nosotros allow ourselves to keep analyzing the past, we will not move forwards. The Loss Zone is about looking backward, and standing to expect backward. Nosotros must curtail our trend to stay in Zone Ii.

The quicker nosotros go to this zone, the amend. The Forward Momentum Zone is where nosotros acknowledge and ask, "Okay, something terrible happened. Now, how practise I motility forrad? What are the next steps? What are my hereafter opportunities?" We must tenaciously fight to stay in this zone. We have to claw our fashion out of the Emotional and Loss Zones. We must exist stern against our natural trend to go on looking dorsum to assess what happened.

So what can we do in the Frontwards Momentum Zone?

1) Realize that by design, life has no guarantees.
ii) Trust that God is sovereign and is with you. Try something new.
3) Look for opportunities. Only reflect on the question, "What are my options now?" Approach it positively.

Jane has go a motivational speaker. She is making a beautiful deviation in the lives of others. Later on she spoke to united states of america, I asked her to speak with a colleague who was having personal difficulties. She genuinely wants to anoint people.

My friend, and dear leader, remember these zones. When failure or loss come, and they will, be ready. Don't stay in the Emotional Zone or the Loss Zone. Whatever has happened, don't have also long to start moving forwards and looking alee. Turn down to keep rehashing the by and request what if?

Your Friend,


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